Let's Get Moving! The importance of exercise for healthy children.
TikTok. Facebook. Instagram. Snapchat. Twitter. It seems the days of coming home from school and playing outside until being called for dinner are well and truly behind us.
Whether they like it or not, kids of the 21st century have had the online world become a major component of their lives. From school and education, to socialising and communicating with friends; it’s now at the point where if you don’t take advantage, you’re at risk of falling behind. A sad but realistic truth.
It seems times have changed and sport and exercise being a staple of all kids' upbringing is no longer the norm. But don’t stress; it’s not just your child, that you can see slouched on the couch, mesmerised by their beloved phone that is at fault. It has become a national issue! These days less than a quarter of children aged 5-14 reach the recommended 60 minutes of activity per day! And it’s no surprise that what has replaced that crucial “play” time is more than two hours a day of lying or sitting . . . eyes glued to whatever screen they can get their hands on.
You may think to yourself “it’s just a phase”, but a sedentary lifestyle over consecutive years can have major and long-term health impacts, especially at such a crucial stage in development. Physically your child will be at greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes, becoming obese in later life and suffering cardiovascular conditions… and that, unfortunately, is just the start.
A factor that is often overlooked is that it’s not just their bodies that will be affected, but their minds. High levels of screen time at an early age are strongly associated with lower levels of cognitive development, low self-esteem and even symptoms of depression. So, although we want to keep our kids happy by allowing them to get lost in the never-ending content of the online world… we may actually be doing quite the opposite!
So as much as it may be a battle of the ages, to begin with! Let’s get our kids outside! Playing, falling over, scraping their knees, discovering a new park, trying a new sport and reaping all the benefits that physical activity has to offer!
And what exactly is that you ask? Well . . . not only will your child thrive from increased bone health, muscle strength, balance and coordination. But they will improve in all aspects of life as a result of improved sleep patterns, mental health, concentration, self-esteem and confidence!
As physiotherapists, we want to use our expertise and knowledge to enable each and every child to reach their potential in health and life through exercise. And as health professionals, we realise it is not as simple and easy for some families compared to others. That is where Melbourne Mobile Physiotherapy can be your unknown saviour!
Raising a child can be hard enough, and even though we love them just as unconditionally; conditions such as cerebral palsy, autism, ADHD and other developmental disorders can bring yet another element of difficulty in keeping our children as strong and healthy as possible.
Simply entering them into a sports team or pushing them out the door to play in the sun with friends is not a possibility for many. But trust us… participation in physical activity is, just as, if not MORE important for children in this demographic. We simply have to be more specific and individualised depending on the severity of each presenting condition.
This is where involving a professional to be a part of your child’s team becomes essential. The physiotherapists of Melbourne Mobile Physio have the ability to provide and conduct a personalised exercise regime to optimise not just your child’s motor function but mental well-being.
By assisting your child through appropriate exercise, we can strengthen the neural pathways of the brain, improve muscular strength and assist in reaching essential developmental milestones. For most kids, exercise is beneficial, for children with developmental conditions, it can be life-changing!
No matter what level of physical ABILITY your child has, our physios are passionate about going above and beyond to enable them to reach their potential in health and in life! Through a relaxed and fun environment, we can help your child gain confidence, independence, and resilience . . . and enable them to achieve things they never thought possible!